Office Buildings

Office Buildings

Krisztina Plazacuisine restaurant, rental offices full range of building engineering worksArcadom Rt.
Millenáris Business Centerfull range of building engineering worksMarket Építő Zrt.
Hungarian Patent Officeheating, cooling, HVAC installation workÓbuda Építőipari Kft.
Szépvölgyi Business Centerfull range of building engineering worksPorr Kft.
Lidl office building - Székesfehérvárfull range of building engineering worksMarket Építő Zrt.
Ericsson Business Center lab expansionheating, cooling, HVAC installation workGordiusz 95 Zrt.
Woodoo Office and warehousefull range of building engineering worksFK Raszter Zrt.
Budapest Airport Building 72. Office A, B, Cfull range of building engineering worksStrabag-MML Kft.
Infopark Building "D" officesfull range of building engineering worksStrabag-MML Kft.
Infoware Hall and Officefull range of building engineering worksWeinberg '93 Építő Kft.
Erzsébet Királyné street – Business Centerfull range of building engineering worksKÉSZ Építő Zrt.
Süttő Business Centerfull range of building engineering worksSüttői Traventin Kft.
OSF Business Centerfull range of building engineering worksLaki Épületszobrász Zrt.
NAV Gvadányi u. - office buildingfull range of building engineering worksLaki Épületszobrász Zrt.
Markó street Business Center conversionfull range of building engineering worksDömper Kft.
Karmelita Buildingfull range of building engineering worksConfector Mérnök Iroda Kft.
MMA Business Centerfull range of building engineering worksLaki Épületszobrász Zrt.
Markó street Business Centerfull range of building engineering worksDömper Kft.
Molnár street Business Center conversionfull range of building engineering worksLaki Épületszobrász Zrt.
MTVA Archivefull range of building engineering worksMarket Építő Zrt.
OTP Bank Business Centerfull range of building engineering works (under construction)Market Építő Zrt.